Fizzle the Frazzle

Official blog of - The online resource for becoming unfrazzled

Blessed and thankful 8:32 AM

As much as we may try to deny it, what makes us most frazzled are our own thoughts. How we view life and its variety of situations that occur on a daily basis will determine whether we travel down the path to frazzled, or whether we travel down the unfrazzled path...and that path is in our minds. We cannot control the world around us and what other people do but we can choose our thoughts and our reactions.

One way to channel thoughts down the unfrazzled path is to take the time to focus on the blessings in your life and the things you are thankful don't have to wait and do it once a year on Thanksgiving Day! No matter what life situation you find yourself in, there will always be something that is good that you can find to focus on. If you are having trouble finding it in the current moment look to your past or your hope in the future.
Some areas to explore for thankfulness: childhood, parents, grandparents, extended family, friendships, relationships, siblings, shelter, weather, job, education, opportunity, children, grandchildren, country, abilities, health, finances, investments, dreams and goals.
Taking your eyes off your worries and focusing on what you are grateful for will lead you down the unfrazzled path...which is just another thing to be grateful for.


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